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Product Updates – June 2022

Bulk Creating Sessions

A new update allows you to create sessions in bulk rather than creating them individually. To reach the sessions page, view the course and then click on ‘Marking’ against an exercise, you will then be able to see the ‘Sessions’ tab.

There is then a new option to ‘Import CSV’ which will allow you to upload a CSV file with all your session information.
Full instructions on how to layout the CSV can be found on the import page by clicking on ‘Import Instructions’, you can also download a template file from this page.

Session Date and Times

While a regular session has always had configurable dates for finish and deadline date and time, this is now also an option in ‘Test Centre exam’ and ‘Remote Invigilated test’ sessions. These are optional for these two session types and will default to 24 hours after the start date and time if not set. The deadline data and time is the time shown to student as final submission date, after this has passed the finish date and time is shown. The finish date and time is the last time at which a student will have access to the session, e.g. if they are mid-way through their exam when the finish time is reached their exam will finish early. These can be set as the same time.

Student Self-Scheduling

Student self-scheduling allows you to create sessions and have students add themselves onto those sessions so that they can choose when they want to sit their exam. An exercise would need to have the ‘Requires Session’ exercise setting enabled for this to work.

This feature is not automatically available and will need to be switched on for individual instances of Rogo, if this is functionality you are interested in using, please contact Programme Manager Aayesha Miah (aayesha.miah@eintech.com) for further details.

Booking Deadline

The booking deadline is available on ‘Test Centre exam’ and ‘Remote Invigilated test’ session types and gives the students a period of time within which they can schedule or amend their session booking. While the booking deadline is optional in most cases, it must be configured if the student self-scheduling flow is being used. A booking deadline in a self-schedule context allows organisations adequate time for resource planning (invigilator allocation, test centre provision etc.) before the exam sitting.

Linked Exercises

Once a session has been created you can select exercises to link to the session so that you can specify which sessions a student will see when scheduling for a specific exercise. Students will only see sessions which have the relevant exercise linked to it. Linked exercises can be stipulated in the bulk csv file mentioned above.

Limiting the available sessions

To limit the sessions available to the student you can add an ‘Earliest start time’ and a ‘Latest start time’ to the exercise settings. Students will then only see sessions which are between those two times in their local time zone. The start times are available at 30-minute intervals. This can be used in the case where you would like to ensure that everyone in one time zone sits the exam at a similar time.

Scheduling Confirmation Email

A confirmation email can be set up to go out to students once they have booked onto their session. The template can be created by going to the ‘System Setup’ page, and then to ‘Email Templates’ in the far-right column. If your instance is beta testing new admin, you should go to ‘Admin’ then ‘System Setup’ and then the ‘Email Settings’ tab to create a new template. The confirmation email can be either a ‘General’, ‘Course’ or ‘Exercise Attempt’ email type. These email types can include merge fields like ‘FirstName’, ‘CourseName’, ‘ExerciseName’, and ‘Session.StartDateTime’ among others.

Once the email template has been configured, new admin users can select the email from the drop down on the page above and those who have the current ‘System Setup’ page, should add /Admin/EmailSettings/ to their URL to reach this page and configure the email.



Booking the Student onto the Exercise

There are three ways in which a student can be booked onto an exercise to enable the self-scheduling flow. Firstly, you can go into the student profile page, ‘View’ the course and then book them in for the relevant exercise.

Students can also be booked onto an exercise using an API if this is configured.

The last option would be to use the Rogo shop to allow students to purchase an exercise which will book them onto it and then they can also schedule their session.

Student Journey

When the student logs into Rogo the first thing that they will see is a list of all exercises that they have been booked into where a session needs to be scheduled.

They will then be able to select their booking type- Local Invigilation (Test Centre exam sessions) or Remote Invigilation (Remote Invigilated test sessions) and then see the available dates and sessions for them to choose from.

Once they have selected the session they would like they can then book it and will receive the scheduling confirmation email if one has been configured.

Until the booking deadline for their session has passed, the scheduling area will remain available to students and they will have the option to ‘Update’ their scheduled session.

While selecting their session, students will be notified if there are no sessions currently available in their chosen booking type, or if they are already scheduled to sit any other exercises that day to avoid any conflicts.

After the booking deadline has passed, a student will no longer be able to update their session booking, however an admin user can still move them to a new session if needed.

Local Invigilators

For local invigilation sessions, you also have the option to ask the student to input their invigilator details if this is something they are arranging externally.

This feature is not automatically available as part of the student self-scheduling flow and will need to be switched on for individual instances of Rogo, if this is functionality you are interested in using, please contact Programme Manager Aayesha Miah (aayesha.miah@eintech.com) for further details.

If this is enabled when a student selects a ‘Local Invigilation’ session they will need to provide their invigilator details and select the checkbox to continue. Admin users can then view or edit these invigilator details from the session page.

If you have local invigilators enabled, you also have the option to have two automatic emails be sent to the invigilators at specified times before the session. These emails templates can be set up from the same page mentioned above in the ‘Scheduling Confirmation Email’ section, however only the ‘Exercise Attempt’ email type should be used for this. These email types can include merge fields like ‘FirstName’(student’s name), ‘CourseName’, ‘ExerciseName’, ‘Session.StartDateTime’ and ‘KeyCode’ among others. Once again you should go to the /Admin/EmailSettings/ page to select which emails are sent to invigilators and how many days before the session each email is sent.

Sending Emails from a Session

It is now possible to send ‘Exercise Attempt’ emails to individual students from the session page rather than to all students in the session only, to do this click on the envelope by the student’s name and select an email from the drop down in the modal window. You can also send ‘Exercise Attempt’ emails to individual invigilators from this page.

Key-Code Email Field

There is an additional field which can now be inserted into an ‘Exercise Attempt’ email for the students unique Key-Code which is generated when they are added to a ‘Test Centre exam’ session.

This Key-Code is generally used to enable a student to login to the Rogo Kiosk (our lockdown browser).

Time Zones

Students can now configure a time zone for themselves, either as part of the scheduling flow above, or from their profile page