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Product Updates – February 2024

Additional Marking permissions 

The On Hold area in the marking screen can be used as an area for reports to be generated and admin tasks to be completed. However, we have found that some users accidentally click on Finish marking, meaning that those tasks cannot be completed. To address this, we've introduced new marking permissions that prevent this unintended finalisation of marking and ensures tasks are assigned correctly. 

The new permissions include:

  • Finish Marking, which allows a user to finish marking and move it into Approval Needed. For users who do not have this permission, they will not be able to see the Finish Marking button in the marking screen. 
  • Finish and Release Marking, which allows a user to finish marking and release the results from the marking page. Without this, the button is not visible. 

Additionally, some use cases require the assigning of scripts to be restricted. The new Assign Marker permission allows a user to select scripts for marking, or assign a marker to a script. Users who do not have this permission will not be able to see the buttons ’Assign Marker’, ‘Remove Marker’ and ‘Reassign Marker’ in the marking queue. In the script rows, they will not see the ‘Select for marking’ button. In individual scripts, they will not see the ‘Change marker’ dropdown. 

marker permissions 1

marker permissions 2

Pictured above are examples of the buttons that will or will not be visible dependent on the permissions.  

Permissions can be found in the admin area of Rogo. Additional marking permissions specifically can be found under the ‘Exercise Attempts’ section. 

marking attempts

These permissions can then be used to edit Roles on your Rogo portal.  

Please note that these permissions are currently available on every portal but we plan to make these permissions configurable on a request basis. The purpose of this iteration would be to make a cleaner user interface for your use case. If you see yourself wanting to use these permissions in the long-term please contact support@eintech.com so these permissions are still visible on your portal.