Question Analytics

You are able to view analytics to determine the performance of questions, courses and students.

Question Bank 

When you use Question Banks you are able to see analytics on how each of your questions are performing with students. To view these analytics, you would need to go to your Question Bank and click on the Analytics button. 

You can filter for a specific period of time to restrict or broaden the results which you see. On the first overview page you will see how many times a question has been used and the success rate. 

Success rate- pass(Gold) vs. Fail per question(Red)
missed target pass - the percentage of people who got the question wrong but still achieved a grade that is pass. 

Clicking on View next to any of the questions will give you more information on how that question performed. You can see more information on the Success Rate, the number of students answering the question correctly/the total number of students that have had the question in a test. And also, a breakdown of how each option performed, you can see the percentage of students who are clicking on each distractor.  

Question Analytics 

Question Analytics in the grade book shows how the students in the group have performed on individual questions, including how many responded correctly and how many have not yet attempted the question. You can also see a further breakdown by clicking on ‘View Analysis’ which will show you the percentage of students who gave each response. 


Description automatically generated with medium confidence

Success Rate 

The success rate shows the percentage of students who answered the question correctly, it has a default target of 70% and a threshold of 20%.

This means that if between 50% and 90% of students got the question correct the success rate would show as green which means the difficulty level of the question is 'just right' , if it is lower or higher than this it would show as red which means the question is too easy or too hard.

The target and threshold can both be customised, please contact to request this. 

Some questions may also show a gold line, this displays the percentage of students who gained partial marks on the question. A question could therefore have two different success rates bars, one for the overall success rate and one to show partial marks. 

Missed Target Pass
The missed target pass can be seen in the exercise analytics when you view individual questions, this shows the percentage of students who got the question wrong but still achieved a pass grade.


In a Test-Engine/Assessment Only Course you are able to see analytics on how users have performed in each exercise. 

Filter by date to specify which attempts you would like to view – you can then see some overall statistics on each exercise. 

Click on Breakdown to see more information on each question in the exercise.